Tuesday 23 July 2024


With our augmented crew of Toby, D and Allan we were keen to move on from the picturesque town of Zierikzee. The weather was not very encouraging with strong winds and heavy rain showers but the boats rafted up inside us wanted to leave so it seemed sensible we should too. There was a strong wind blowing straight down the mile long canal out of Zierikzee, but after that we had a fine sail, much of the time under just mizzen and headsails, making over 5 knots with the mainsail furled. Toby had the excitement of going under the immense Zeeland bridge, which he came over in the bus yesterday. The arches of the bridge only just look high enough for Bonitas mast to go under. We also went through two large locks.
The picture shows three generations of crew, all relieved that the rain has stopped at last, if only temporarily.
This evening finds us in the marina next to the historic town of Willemstadt. The harbour is very small, and entering it requires a tight turn into the wind, something we do not do easily. Once we got inside we found it was packed out and the only berth we could get to in the strong crosswind was one reserved for boats pumping out their sewage tanks. This is another modern convenience that somehow Bonita manages without. However the harbour master had gone home and  we hope to stay here overnight. We will see what tomorrow brings. We walked into Willemstadt for supper, and Toby went to bed after an eventful day and rather later than his usual bedtime.

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