Saturday 6 May 2023

Gathering gaffers

Lots of gaffers of all sorts, shapes and sizes have arrived in Cowes today testing the patience and resourcefulness of the marina staff used to more modern boats. There is a fine display of assorted flags with many boats dressed overall in the bright sunshine. Some boats put up assorted flags at random which is fine. In theory there is a proper procedure for dressing a ship overall with code flags though it's hard to see that it matters much. In flags etiquette I try to follow the guidance laid down in Miranda Delmar-Morgans little Maritime Flag Handbook. Miranda spent her childhood on a gaffer- the Morecambe Bay prawner 'Laura' - and so is an authority to be respected.
The Cowes Part Port celebrations have been ably organised by Sue Pennison and we had a fine supper at the Island Sailing Club.

1 comment:

  1. Looks very organised, Mike, and you have fine weather!
