Sunday, 19 June 2016


Lawrence came this morning on the bus from Copenhagen to help crew Calismarde. It was still quite windy in Bagenkop harbour, but we decided to leave anyway. After a bit of bouncing around outside the harbour entrance we had a fine downwind sail in bright sunshine. By late afternoon we were weaving around the sandbanks surrounding the small Danish island of Vejrø with its miniature harbour.

This is a peaceful place. There is a bit of agriculture, and there has been some investment in facilities to attract campers and yachtsmen. However there seem to be very few people here and there was plenty of space in the harbour​, so we suspect their busy season is probably fairly short. We had a remarkably good meal in the only restaurant​ - fresh food from the island - f​ish soup, lamb and strawberry panna ​cotta.

​Vejrø is a nice place to visit especially if you are looking for peace and relaxation, but not somewhere to be stuck for any length of time.

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